Building a Basic Pokemon App with ReactIf you’re a software developer that loves Pokemon, you’ve probably wondered if you could build something small that shows something like…Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
..I still skateSo yea, I skate, and I also code. Skateboarding has always been my passion and unexpectedly, it’s led to become a decent developer too. I…Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020
Swift’s BasicsLike any other language, if you want to start using Swift, a great foundation is learning the basics. Declaring variables, functions, and…Aug 19, 2019Aug 19, 2019
My First HackathonThe more time you spend with other developers, the easier it is to forget that…not everyone is a developer. Before the hackathon I had a…Mar 14, 2019Mar 14, 2019
Gettin’ SwiftyWhen I first started to learn how to code, it was through an iPad application called Swift Playground. For a visual person like me it was…Dec 11, 2018Dec 11, 2018